I saw the Kazutoshi Kihara exhibition at the Mori Art Museum, which is surrounded by the beautiful greenery of a bamboo grove!
Hello, I am “Kotaka”, concierge for everyone living in Otakanomori. I am “Kotaka,” your concierge in Otakanomori. How are you doing?
It has suddenly become cooler these days. By the way, did you know that there is a very nice “Forest Art Museum” in Nagareyama Otakanomori?
Surrounded by the greenery of a beautiful bamboo grove, the museum is a modern building made of cast-iron reinforced concrete. The contrast between the greenery of the lawn, the soft organic elements of the forest, and the geometric architecture makes this museum a “Kotaka” favorite. Isn’t it beautiful?

Isn’t this museum something that could be found in Karuizawa or Hakone or Nasu or any other fashionable summer resort?
Yes, this is Nagareyama Otakanomori! And it’s only a 20-minute walk from the station. It is not far from Ichinoya Forest, where the “Kotaka” house is located.

Kazutoshi Kihara Exhibition_now on view_2023/9/9 (Sat) to 12/23 (Sat)
Ho! Kazutoshi Kihara’s exhibition is now open. Since we are here, let’s take a look.
Isn’t it somehow appropriate for the fall season of art?

The name “Forest Art Museum” is exactly in line with the surrounding environment.

About Kazutoshi Kihara
Mr. Kazutoshi Kihara is a Western-style painter from Hiroshima Prefecture. He is a two-time winner of the Special Prize at the Nitten Exhibition and a recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award at the Hakuhikai Exhibition. We paid the admission fee of 600 yen for adults and purchased tickets at the entrance. We were told that we would be offered a drink on our way out.
In case you are wondering, “Kotaka” is an adult, so it costs 600 yen. Junior high and high school students are 300 yen, and elementary school students and younger are free. (As of October 2023)

Now, let’s proceed to the exhibition room.

*Photographs below were taken with permission of the Mori Art Museum.
Ho. That’s a nice portrait of a lovely woman.

The overall composition, atmosphere, and colors of each painting were impressive, and the details such as facial expressions, the way the hair was tied, the texture and pattern of the clothing, and the texture of the accessories were very delicate and realistic, which was very surprising.

No, it’s just wonderful. I encourage everyone to visit in person and actually see it up close.
At the coffee shop, we enjoyed iced coffee and tea sweets while enjoying the picturesque garden.
Thank you for the food.

Kazutoshi Kihara Exhibition, Mori Art Museum Official YouTube Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=832NA6jN92Y&ab_channel=%E6%A3%AE%E3%81%AE%E7%BE%8E%E8%A1%93%E9%A4%A8Stroll through the architecture and gardens of the “Forest Art Museum
Now, let’s take a walk around the museum grounds, shall we?

Both the architecture and the exterior are sophisticated, with unnecessary elements stripped away.
Let’s go to the bamboo grove in the back. ⁉, Hey, there are mushrooms growing in the garden!

There is a path that leads into the bamboo forest. It has a wonderful name, “Forest Lane.

Shall we sit on the bench in the back?

Ah, it is very soothing. When the wind blows, the bamboo leaves make a pleasant sound. And when a stronger wind blows, you can hear the sound of bamboos clashing with each other. Isn’t this a great place to be alone and ponder? Let’s think about life for a moment.

I felt refreshed and refreshed.
This is an angle of the museum seen from the bamboo grove.

Something that has been stripped of its uselessness is beautiful.

Well, it was a lot of fun. I am looking forward to seeing a different look when autumn deepens and the leaves begin to change color again. This is one of the places where you can feel the catchphrase of Nagareyama City, “the nearest forest town from the city center.
The above is the information shared by “Kotaka”, who says that if you want to experience art in Nagareyama, here are some options for you. See you again soon.
Shall we walk back to Ichinoya Forest then?
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